

Ringworm is a transmissible infectious skin disease caused most often by Trichophyton verrucosum, a spore forming fungi. The spores can remain alive for years in a dry environment. It occurs in all species of mammals including cattle and man. Although unsightly, fungal infections cause little permanent damage or economic loss. Direct contact with infected animals is the most common method of spreading the infection Directions. Cleanse thoroughly with the Botanica Cleansing Wash. DO NOT WASH THE WASH OFF. After 3 - 5 minutes, generously apply the Botanica Herbal Cream.

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Rain scald

Directions. Cleanse thoroughly with the Botanica Cleansing Wash. DO NOT WASH THE WASH OFF. After 3 - 5 minutes, generously apply the Botanica Herbal Cream.

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Girt Scalds

Directions. Cleanse thoroughly with the Botanica Cleansing Wash. DO NOT WASH THE WASH OFF. After 3 - 5 minutes, generously apply the Botanica Herbal Cream.

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Cuts and Wounds

Directions. Cleanse thoroughly with the Botanica Cleansing Wash. DO NOT WASH THE WASH OFF. After 3 - 5 minutes, generously apply the Botanica Herbal Cream.

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Sore Backs

Directions. Cleanse thoroughly with the Botanica Cleansing Wash. DO NOT WASH THE WASH OFF. After 3 - 5 minutes, generously apply the Botanica Herbal Cream.

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Cracked Heels

Directions. Cleanse thoroughly with the Botanica Cleansing Wash. DO NOT WASH THE WASH OFF. After 3 - 5 minutes, generously apply the Botanica Herbal Cream.

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Sweet Itch

Sweet Itch is an allergic skin disease. Certain horses are allergic to the saliva in the bite of a species of midge called Culicoides. This means that once a sensitive horse is bitten by a Culicoides fly, it will have an allergic reaction at the site of the bite. This will cause a localised irritation which the horse will try and rub. Self- inflicted damage will occur as the horse itches himself. Directions. Cleanse thoroughly with the Botanica Cleansing Wash. DO NOT WASH THE WASH OFF. After 3 - 5 minutes, generously apply the Botanica Herbal Cream.

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Mud Rash

Mud rash – also known as mud fever - is the most common skin infections of horses. It is caused by the bacterium Dermatophilus congolensis, which is also responsible for rain scald. Infection results from prolonged wet conditions, which activate dormant bacteria present in mud and also weaken the skin’s natural barrier defences. Directions. Cleanse thoroughly with the Botanica Cleansing Wash. DO NOT WASH THE WASH OFF. After 3 - 5 minutes, generously apply the Botanica Herbal Cream.

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Capped Hocks

A capped hock is an inflammatory swelling of the bursa, or protective synovial capsule that surrounds a joint, at the point of the hock. Medically, a capped hock is classified as traumatic bursitis. This type of inflammation can occur in other joints as well, such as the knee (carpal hygroma) and elbow (capped elbow, or shoe boil). The bursa over the hock can become inflamed due to stress from extreme athletic injury such as racing, but more commonly results from trauma such as lying on poorly bedded stall floors, kicking a stall wall, gate, or trailer door, or self-inflicted trauma when lying down. Directions. Cleanse thoroughly with the Botanica Cleansing Wash. DO NOT WASH THE WASH OFF. After 3 - 5 minutes, generously apply the Botanica Herbal Cream.

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General Skin problems

Directions. Cleanse thoroughly with the Botanica Cleansing Wash. DO NOT WASH THE WASH OFF. After 3 - 5 minutes, generously apply the Botanica Herbal Cream.

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