
Black spot on Dairy Cows

Directions. Cleanse thoroughly with the Botanica Cleansing Wash. DO NOT WASH THE WASH OFF. After 3 - 5 minutes, generously apply the Botanica Herbal Cream.

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General Cuts and Wounds

Directions. Cleanse thoroughly with the Botanica Cleansing Wash. DO NOT WASH THE WASH OFF. After 3 - 5 minutes, generously apply the Botanica Herbal Cream.

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Udder sores

Directions. Cleanse thoroughly with the Botanica Cleansing Wash. DO NOT WASH THE WASH OFF. After 3 - 5 minutes, generously apply the Botanica Herbal Cream.

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Inflamed quarters

Directions. Cleanse thoroughly with the Botanica Cleansing Wash. DO NOT WASH THE WASH OFF. After 3 - 5 minutes, generously apply the Botanica Herbal Cream.

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Flagged udders

Directions. Cleanse thoroughly with the Botanica Cleansing Wash. DO NOT WASH THE WASH OFF. After 3 - 5 minutes, generously apply the Botanica Herbal Cream.

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Itching and scratching

Directions. Cleanse thoroughly with the Botanica Cleansing Wash. DO NOT WASH THE WASH OFF. After 3 - 5 minutes, generously apply the Botanica Herbal Cream.

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Cuts and Tears on Teats

Directions. Cleanse thoroughly with the Botanica Cleansing Wash. DO NOT WASH THE WASH OFF. After 3 - 5 minutes, generously apply the Botanica Herbal Cream.

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Encourage Hair Growth

Directions. Cleanse thoroughly with the Botanica Cleansing Wash. DO NOT WASH THE WASH OFF. After 3 - 5 minutes, generously apply the Botanica Herbal Cream.

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Mange is the term used to describe infection by mites, microscopic relatives of spiders. They inhabit and damage the skin of domestic animals and man. Problems are most frequently seen in the autumn and winter but can occur all year round. Directions. Cleanse thoroughly with the Botanica Cleansing Wash. DO NOT WASH THE WASH OFF. After 3 - 5 minutes, generously apply the Botanica Herbal Cream.

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Ringworm is a transmissible infectious skin disease caused most often by Trichophyton verrucosum, a spore forming fungi. The spores can remain alive for years in a dry environment. It occurs in all species of mammals including cattle and man. Although unsightly, fungal infections cause little permanent damage or economic loss. Direct contact with infected animals is the most common method of spreading the infection Directions. Cleanse thoroughly with the Botanica Cleansing Wash. DO NOT WASH THE WASH OFF. After 3 - 5 minutes, generously apply the Botanica Herbal Cream.

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